Garden Diary - September 2017

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Open Days - Jardin de Buis
Part Two - Inside
Saturday, 9 September 2017

A beautiful day - but then, any day in a garden is beautiful, n'est-ce pas? Having wandered west and east, north and (somewhat) south in Jardin de Buis, what remains after these outdoor peregrinations but indoors. Accordingly,

I go from here - admiring the seating area on the portico roof -

pausing to greet very relaxed Kitty-kitty,
fazed not at all by transient visitors.

As in previous visits, I admire the 5-oven Aga, gently warm to my hand.

and eventually, up a step or two, to here. Tapestry over the fireplace,
columns awaiting placement, gold leaf frames, tables with books
open to enticing pictures of - what else - gardens. And also

objects of vertu, such as this model of a double spiral staircase.

The fireplace on the opposite wall displays a suitably massive arrangement.

It's a somewhat overstuffed Constanace Spry-ish piece, with modest use of flowers, lots of foliage, and sprays of cherry tomatoes adding color. Tomatoes were, you know, used ornamentally, back when people believed this member of the Nightshade family was poisonous.

Towards the stone parking court is a more practical foyer,
where umbrellas and boots are ready for wet, muddy weather.

Someone mentions that there is food available in the orangerie.

Indeed! Catered by Bex Catering and Eatery and good thing I didn't wait.


People were restrained about filling their plates, but even so - while
there was enough for all it was being happily consumed. Especially desserts.



I found a bench with a small table in the north greenhouse, and sat,
enjoying my refreshments while admiring a display of glass cloches.

For some reason this basket of sheet moss makes me think of a quote from William Morris, "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."

No doubt it can also apply to these clay pots in the south greenhouse.

And a terra cotta urn embellished with goat heads. Which reminds me
that I need to depart. It's the weekend of the sheep and fiber festival
and I want to go today as I have something planned for tomorrow.

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